
Universality of management

Question 1:

a) Illustrate the meaning of universality of management?

b) Do you think the management is a profession? Describe with reference to the context of any country.

Question 2:

a) In brief describe the different phases in the strategic planning method.

b) Explain how is strategic planning distinct from the tactical planning?

Question 3:

a) Critically describe the importance of the matrix form of organization structure.

b) Describe the factors finding out the degree of decentralization in an organization.

Question 4: Describe, in detail, the various models adopted by managers in decision-making.

Question 5:

a) Control and planning are the complementary management functions. Comment on the validity of this statement.

b) Describe the popular methods of financial control.

Question 6: Write brief notes on any two of the given:

a) The interaction between the business environment and management
b) The Hawthorne Experiments
c) Delegation of authority
d) Limitations of control

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Other Management: Universality of management
Reference No:- TGS012641

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