
Univ 1213-nbsp introduce the company name products history

Assignment: Leadership and Teamwork

Effective Leaders Dealing with a Problem

Purpose of Assignment

• Effective leaders are constantly facing leadership dilemmas. However, they know how to harness the power inherent in the dilemmas and mobilize people toward goals. In groups students will select a dilemma and develop a plan that would allow a person to discover ways to handle the dilemma. Students will focus on developing trust, and generating commitment, getting work done while building future performance capacity, integrating action and reflection, creating a shared vision, delegating, coordinating, resolving conflicts, and creating a shared vision while leveraging diversity.


• The students will be able to identify the different levels of management within an organization
• The students will be able to identify leadership types at the different managerial levels within an organization
• The students will be able to identify and analyze a dilemma.
• The students will be able to explain the relationship between the problem, leadership type and an appropriate solution.
• The students will be able to create and deliver a PowerPoint presentation as a team and write a convincing group report

Instructional Media: Tools and Resources

• You will be provided with online articles, reports, and different resources that will assist you in understanding dilemmas and the relationship between dilemmas, leadership type and solutions for dilemmas. You will be provided in-class time one week before the assignment is due in order to discuss in groups and search online for additional required resources.


PowerPoint Presentation

1. Time limit of 8 minutes
2. Group members should participate in the oral presentation equally
3. If a student is absent on the day of the presentation he will receive only 50% of his group's grade
4. Maximum group size of 3 students
5. PowerPoint: Maximum of 9 slides with 4 or 5 bullets on each slide
6. Prepare attractive slides that add to your presentation. Use a picture, table, graph or diagram on most of the slides.
7. Explain each key point on each of your slides
8. DO NOT cut and paste your report into your slides
9. Include the following slides in your presentation:

Slide 1: Effective Leaders Dealing with a Problem

Title slide with the assignment name, students' names and IDs, picture

Slide 2: Outline

Outline of the slides in your presentation.

Slide 3: Background of the Company

Introduce the company (name, products, history) and describe the current management-leadership structure in the company (multi-level or single-level, types of leaders at the different levels).

Slide 4: The Leader

Describe the leader under focus and his background including his photo, name, age, qualifications, job history, leadership style.

Slide 5: The Problem

Describe the problem faced by the leader. It could be a service or product problem. It is causing sales to slump. Give specific details including what caused the problem, who is involved, when the problem started, and the implications.

Slide 6: Short-term Solution

Describe 3 strategies that will be used to address the problem in the short-term.

Slide 7: Long-term Solution

Describe 3 strategies that will be used to address the problem in the long-term.

Slide 8: Summary

Summarize the key points from the slides. Do not cut and paste the Outline slide here.

9. Examples of excellent PowerPoint slide presentations can be found in the BlackBoard under ‘Assignments'.

Written Report

1. The report must use your own language and should specify the reference(s) from which the information is taken. If you cut and paste a sentence you must use quotation marks and write the author, year, and page number in brackets in the text after the quotation.

2. The report must:

• have a cover page
• use Times New Romans or Arial, font size: 12
• have a space of 1.5 between lines,
• be 4 full pages in length (not including the cover page or reference list)
• be written in the third person (do not use "I" or "my" or "our" or "we")
• have cited references for all information found elsewhere
• use topic sentences at the start of each paragraph
• use full sentences (and no bullet points)

3. The report must use the following headings:


Include a clear thesis statement, justify the importance of the assignment, and give an outline of what topics the report will cover. (R)

Background of the Company

Introduce the company (name, products, history) and describe the current management-leadership structure in the company (multi-level or single-level, types of leaders at the different levels). (R)

The Leader

Describe the leader under focus and his background including his photo, name, age, qualifications, job history, leadership style.

The Problem

Describe the problem faced by the leader. It could be a service or product problem. It is causing sales to slump. Give specific details including what caused the problem, who is involved, when the problem started, and the implications. (R)

Short-term Solution

Describe 3 strategies that will be used to address the problem in the short-term. (R)

Long-term Solution

Describe 3 strategies that will be used to address the problem in the long-term. (R)


Restate the thesis statement, include a summary of the key points from the body paragraphs, and say how these key points answer the assignment.


Include at least 3 references. The references can be from e-brary, books, newspapers, or the internet (but not lecture slides). You must cite the author and year in the text of the essay. Also, for each reference you must list the author, year, article or book title, and publisher under References at the end of the essay.

4. Examples of well written essays can be found in the BlackBoard under ‘Assignments'.

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Business Management: Univ 1213-nbsp introduce the company name products history
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