
Univ 1212- what is an argument by analogy what is a

Assignment: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

1. ‘Canada is the best country in the world in which to raise a family.'

Is this a strong or weak argument? Give 3 reasons to support your answer. (3 lines)

2. You should use Mobiley Phone services - we have hundreds of completely satisfied customers.'
What type of an argument is this? Is this a weak or a strong argument? Give 3 reasons to support your answer. (3 lines).

3. Define the argument by example. Give a short example.

4. Consider the following argument: "People take their car for servicing and checkups every few months without complaint. Why shouldn't they take similar care of their bodies ?" Is this argument weak or strong? Why / why not? Express your point of view in a short paragraph.

5. What is an argument by analogy? Give an example.

6. Consider the following argument: "The listener should often be shown the conclusion contained in the principle. From this principle, as from the center, light shines on all parts of the work. In much the same way, a painter plans his painting so that light emanates naturally from a single source to each object. The whole work is unified and reduced to a single proposition enlightened in various ways." Rewrite the argument using the premise- conclusion model (Weston) and state if this is a strong or weak argument. Why/ why not? What type of argument is it?

7. Define the argument from authority. Give a short example.

8. Consider the following argument: "My friend Munira says Greek olives are the best in the world. Therefore, Greek olives are the best in the world." What type of an argument is this? Is it a strong / weak argument? Why/ why not?

B. Syllogisms (See Inch Chapter 2, page 39-41).

9. What is a syllogism?

10. What is a categorical syllogism? Give an example.

11. What is a disjunctive syllogism? Give an example.

12. What is a hypothetical syllogism? Give an example.

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Dissertation: Univ 1212- what is an argument by analogy what is a
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