
Univ 1000 how are you preparing for your career of course

Assignment: Career Planning Essay

Now, that you have explored the Career Development Center website and have thought about your career plan, you should develop an essay describing your career goals and plans. This essay should be 2-3 typed pages in length and should include :

1. A clear statement of your career plan (specifically, what field of work are you interested in and what do you want to do. These might be your specific goals for your career.

2. How are you preparing for your career? Of course one way may be taking the courses or working in the major you are currently involved in, but you might have work experience or internships/co-ops or volunteer activities that have or are preparing you for the career.

3. Where you see yourself in this career in five years and in ten years. What will you be doing if you are successful.

You may want to read about other persons in your area or some books in the career field. If so, be sure to document your sources letting us know who you read. Do not use the words or ideas of others without giving the credit of the source.

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Dissertation: Univ 1000 how are you preparing for your career of course
Reference No:- TGS02864146

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