Union membership has declined over the past several years

1) Union membership has declined over the past several years for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

a. union member wages are significantly lower than non-union employees.

b. employees felt that unions were not doing a good enough job of representing them.

c. local unions have lacked the money to spend money on organizing efforts.

d. jobs that have been traditionally unionized are moving overseas.

e. small businesses and the service industry have grown which are both typically non-union environments.

2) All of the following are accurate about the Railway Labor Act EXCEPT:

a. the National Railroad Adjust Board is used to settling minor disputes.

b. it created the National Mediation Board to settle disputes.

c. it defines major and minor disputes.

d. lockouts can be used to settle major disputes.

e. it applies to only common carrier rail services.

3) The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947:

a. requires all major disputes to use a mediator to be resolved.

b. established the National Labor Relations Board.

c. has a provision that employees cannot be forced to join a union.

d. is also known as the National Labor Relations Act.

e. gives more power to unions rather than employers.

4) Right to work laws exist in ________________ states.

a. 13

b. 22

c. 30

d. 50

e. 25

5) Which of the following acts established the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service?

a. Taft-Hartley Act

b. National Labor Relations Act

c. Landrum-Griffin Act

d. Wagner Act

e. Norris-LaGuardia Act

Unit 4 Examination 210 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

6) The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service:

a. is an agency that deals with unfair labor practices and secret ballot elections.

b. handles strikes which impact an entire industry and threaten the economy.

c. is monitored by a board of union stewards from across the country.

d. prevents labor-management disputes from impeding the free flow of commerce.

e. establishes the employee "bill of rights."

7) PQR Manufacturing has a secret ballot election coming up on Friday morning at 9 a.m. Thursday night, the management team of PQR holds one final presentation to explain to employees why they should be against the union. Based on this information, which statement is most accurate?

a. Employees must attend the meeting during their break time.

b. The employer is not permitted to have this meeting since it is less than 24 hours until the election.

c. Employees must inform the employer as to how they intend to vote.

d. Union literature can be displayed at the meeting to present the union’s view.

e. Employees are required to attend this meeting.

8) A union is permitted to:

a. have other employees lobby their coworkers throughout the work day to support the union.

b. campaign on company property no matter what type of employer it is.

c. dismiss any grievances it believes have no merit.

d. require only union members be hired to work for the employer.

e. require the employer to hire more employees than are typically needed to perform the work.

9) All of the following are accurate statements in regard to neutrality agreements EXCEPT:

a. management is prevented from speaking to employees about the impacts a union can have.

b. more than 30% of eligible employees must sign cards in order for the bargaining unit to be recognized.

c. the NLRB does not get involved in certifying the union when this agreement exists.

d. employers prefer this process because the union loses its rights.

e. this process has a high success rate for the unions.

10) Which of the following requires management and unions to use good faith bargaining when dealing with each other?

a. Landrum-Griffin Act

b. Norris-LaGuardia Act

c. Labor Management Relations Act

d. National Labor Relations Board

e. Taft-Hartley Act

Unit 4 Examination 211 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

11) All of the following are important to a successful negotiation process EXCEPT:

a. knowing that arbitration may need to be used if neither party can agree.

b. understanding the expectations of the other party.

c. realizing that failure to agree may result in a strike.

d. continually being prepared with statistical and financial information to support your side of the bargaining.

e. accepting that when an impasse occurs facilitation is not an option.

12) The third party that has been called in to help the union and management come to an agreement has asked that they continue to negotiate late into the evening as it appears they may be getting closer to an agreement. This is an example of:

a. mediation.

b. conciliation.

c. integration.

d. distribution.

e. arbitration.

13) Both the labor and management have presented the items they would like to see included or excluded from the contract. A third party has reviewed all of the information and determined what items will be part of the final contract and their decision cannot be altered. This is an example of:

a. conciliation.

b. distribution.

c. integration.

d. mediation.

e. arbitration.

14) Community Hospital recently hired two RNs who are now promoting a union to their coworkers. The hospital recently found out that these two employees were actually employees of the union paid to organize their hospital. The two RNs are known as:

a. union shoppers.

b. free riders.

c. scabs.

d. salts.

e. union stewards.

Unit 4 Examination 212 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

15) Labor management issues at a federal level are handled by the:

a. Weingarten Act.

b. Occupational Health and Safety Administration.


d. Federal Labor Relations Authority.

e. National Labor Relations Board.

16) Due to changing economic conditions, unions are:

a. offering fixed salaries to union members.

b. paying a portion of union member dues.

c. decreasing their involvement in political campaigns to save costs.

d. requiring mandatory overtime as part of their contracts.

e. using more variable pay plans in their contracts.

17) HR challenges with which an organization must align its HR practices are all of the following EXCEPT:

a. company characteristics

b. labor force trends

c. performance evaluation systems.

d. ethics

e. regulatory issues

18) Which of the following decisions must be made for every job within an organization?

a. Whether the job should be part time or full time.

b. How the job should be designed.

c. Whether contingent labor can be used to fill the job.

d. The types of KSAs required to perform the job.

e. All of the above.

19) Susan is an excellent graphic designer. She is very creative and always receives outstanding feedback from her customers. In addition, she is dedicated and works hard to complete assignments so that she can take on additional work. However, Susan’s company cannot afford to upgrade the graphic design software she currently uses and therefore her work is starting to suffer because she does not have the latest technology in order to continue to enhance her work product. This is an example of a(an):

a. powerful connection.

b. internal alignment.

c. external alignment.

d. deadly combination.

e. uniqueness.

Unit 4 Examination 213 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

20) All of the following statements are true about outsourcing EXCEPT:

a. tasks that do not add strategic value can be outsourced.

b. not outsourcing can sometimes increase an organization’s costs depending on the nature of the task.

c. these agencies are often the experts and can work more efficiently on a particular task.

d. it allows the organization to focus on what it does best to achieve its competitive advantage.

e. work is sent to another area of the organization to be completed by specialists.

21) Which of the following statements is most accurate when describing the relationships an organization has with its employees?

a. A quid pro quo relationship involves a strong commitment on the part of both the organization and the employee.

b. When employees make a unique contribution they tend to have a relational type of relationship with their organization.

c. Relationships that have an economic focus are also more social in nature.

d. An emotional connection is found in those relationships which are based on a "fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay."

e. Both the employee and employer have a high level of concern for each other when the relationship is focused narrowly on the performance of a specific task.

22) In order to map its employment portfolio, an organization must:

a. use contingent labor for all narrowly focused jobs since that is the more cost effective method.

b. outsource all positions which require a unique combination of KSAs.

c. must weigh the strategic value and uniqueness that each job brings to the organization to determine what type of employment relationship will be created.

d. focus on building relational relationships in order to remain competitive.

e. define its financial position and then determine what employment arrangements it can afford.

23) A large health care system is currently using a marketing consultant to help them with their marketing and branding strategy so that it can position itself better in its local market. This consultant would be most likely considered a(an):

a. core employee.

b. job-based employee.

c. contingent worker.

d. alliance worker.

e. alliance partner.

Unit 4 Examination 214 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

24) Which of the following pair of employee type and HR systems is most accurate?

a. Contract worker and collaborative-based system

b. Job-based and productivity-based system

c. Core employee and productivity-based system

d. Job-based and compliance-based system

e. Contract worker and alliance partnership

25) Which of the following pair has matched an HR practice with an HR activity most appropriately?

a. Managing employee attitudes and behaviors with an intensive recruitment process

b. Work force planning by using an equipment training program

c. Managing employee competencies with a competitive compensation program

d. Work design by using a complete and specific job description

e. Work design by using an employee orientation program

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