
Unicaf meaning - write a word or a pdf document a short

Assignment 1:

For this assignment you have to:

Write a Word or a PDF document, a short introduction about yourself and your interests in the form of a short paragraph.

Additionally, on the same document underneath your paragraph, you have to provide the email addresses of the following support departments of the university:

Student Support Department
VLE Technical Support Department
E-book Support Department

The contact details of the support departments of the university can be found in the "Support Departments Information" document found in the previous section as well as on the help link at the top of your VLE page.

Assignment 2 - Paraphrasing and Summarising

Two very important skills in academic writing are the ability to paraphrase and summarize source material. It is also important to properly state the fact that you did so by using in-text citations and references at the end of your work.

For this assignment, you have to read the passage found in the attached PDF document below named Polishing your Writing and form two separate paragraphs on the same document. The one should be the paraphrased text and the other the summary.

In order to complete this assignment successfully, you will have to read the document "Direct and Indirect Quotations Guide" where you can find a sample on how to conduct a paraphrase and a summary of any given text found in the material of week 1.

Assignment 3:

The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn how to format your references according to the appropriate referencing style and also how to identify the appropriate sources that should be included in academic writing.


For this assignment, you need to compose a reference list. In your reference list, you must at least include four credible references that would be formatted according to the relevant reference style. In addition, you need to include your research topic/title. Please do not include any irrelevant text in your reference list.

Please make sure to study the relevant reference guide before attempting your assignment.

In order to find academic articles, you may use the search engine "Google Scholar". Kindly note that the open access articles usually include a PDF file in the search results. Alternatively, you may use "Science Direct" which contains open access books and journals.

Before submitting your reference list, please make sure to:

·Place your references in an alphabetical order (do not list or place in bullet points your references).
·Include at least a journal article and book.
·Include a recent publication (the article/book should be published in the last four years).
·Include your research title/topic.
·Present your references according to the relevant reference style.

Assignment 4 - Article Review

In order to complete this assignment carefully review the posted Brief and Guidelines.

Good and appropriate introduction, well designated with a clear aim. It includes the purpose of the article, how the research was conducted, the results and other important information.

A critical discussion of the main concepts, arguments and ideas of the article. The author's approach, his/her theoretical framework and a discussion on any gaps or weaknesses in his/her approach.

An overall evaluation of the article and the its main value or importance. Discussion on how the article's results can contribute to existing knowledge and how the research might be extended or move forward in the future.

General Layout (presentation, font size)
Consistency with the format of the text (Times New Roman, 12 size fonts, 1,5 line spacing). No subheadings.

Writing (Style, expression, grammar)
Flexibility with expressions, uniformity, completed sentences, coherent and appropriate writing style. Correct use of punctuation, no misspellings or typing errors.

Citations and References
Internal referencing and reference list need to be written according to the appropriate referencing style. The author's last name, year of publication and page number must be included in the in-text citations.

Article - Unpacking online learning experiences: Online learning self-efficacy and learning satisfaction by Demei Shen, Moon-Heum Cho, Chia-Lin Tsai, Rose Marra

Assignment 5 - Outline

Developing an Outline

This assignment will help you create a successful outline for your upcoming essay. Following the format of a flowchart or a diagram will help you keep your thoughts organized and get your essay underway.

Develop an outline, up to 300 words, to organize your ideas. An outline shows your main ideas and the order in which you are going to write them.

For this assignment, the following features will be assessed:

Use of the flowchart or diagram examples provided
The essay topic is included and a clear title has been developed.
The outline is divided into three main sections (introduction, main body, and conclusion).
The introduction includes the purpose of the essay in one sentence.
The main body includes at least three main ideas which are written in a few words.

Supporting evidence is included in order to back up each main idea. The supporting evidence can have the form of a reference.

The conclusion as a restatement of the main ideas of the essay.

Assignment 6

At the end of week 4, you need to develop an essay based on a subject of your choice in relation to your future studies and then critically analyze the main concepts.

Detailed Instructions

Use the outline you created for the previous assignment and:

1. Develop your topic into an essay of 1000 words +/- 10%. Keep in mind, that you are required to present and analyze the main topic by conducting a literature review and evaluate with a critical approach the main idea behind the subject you will be covering. Additionally, you need to present your own personal views and arguments.

2. You will need to use at least 8 sources to back up your arguments. These sources will be included in your work as in-text citation. For example, you can use direct quotations, paraphrased text or just use an idea as a reference.

In your passage you have to include:

- At least one direct quotation (unchanged text)
- At least three indirect quotations (paraphrased or summarized text
- At the end of your work, you have to present the reference list with the sources you used

Keep in mind that your essay should have an introduction, where you will briefly present your topic and the points you will be covering, a main body, where you will analyze the main points, conduct the literature review and present your point of view and a conclusion, where you will evaluate your findings

Learning Outcomes

For this final assignment, the aim is to learn how to properly develop an essay and how to critically analyse the subject, presenting also your own point of view and ideas.

Good and appropriate introduction, well designated with a clear aim.Brief statement of the arguments that will follow.

Main Body
Analysis of the main topics in a logical order/structure. The main body is divided into the main points of the argument, into those in favor of the issue and those against the issue. The arguments are formulated correctly, cohesively and structurally. Relevant literature review is included using criticism and evaluation as well as personal views and arguments. Examination and identification of different views, ideas and arguments.

An overall evaluation of the essay and research findings. Reference to the issue, evaluation of the main arguments and highlighting the important aspects are included. Overall, a brief recap of what has been discussed in the main body of the essay.

Complete and correct citations are provided.

Use of accurate sources for referencing, in an alphabetical order, completed and presented correctly according to the appropriate reference style.

General Layout
Structured form (introduction, main body, conclusion and reference list). Presentation and font size in a continuous and consistent form (Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 line spacing).

Writing Style (Grammar)
Flexibility in expressions, complete sentences and order of words. Use of appropriate writing style and punctuation. No misspellings or typing errors. Use of linking words or phrases instead of subheadings.

Quiz 1:

Question 1
I can access the VLE calendar under the VLE menu in the ________________ block.
Select one:
a. Navigation
b. Administration

Question 2
To send a VLE message to my tutor I have to click on the _____ envelope icon next to my tutor's name, found at the top of the module. Or I have to click on the _____ icon below my tutor's name found in the ______ contacts block.

Question 3
I have access to the module until my final grade has been inserted in SIS.
Select one:

Question 4
Where do I find the link to my Grade Book?
Select one:
a. In the Navigation Block
b. In the Administration Block
The correct answer is: In the Administration Block

Question 5
In my grade book, I can see both the grades and feedback that are provided by my tutor.
Select one:

Quiz 2:

Question 1

When I use a source that is not published I do not need to cite or reference it.
Select one:

Question 2
The university checks my assignments for plagiarism by using the Turnitin program.
Select one:

Question 3
If I fail to correctly paraphrase a text I might be accused of suspected malpractice.
Select one:

Question 4
I have to provide a citation for a text that I paraphrase (write it in my own words).
Select one:

Question 5
Whenever I use a source in my text I must provide an in-text citation and its reference.
Select one:

Question 6
Plagiarism might lead to a module failure or even suspension from my studies.
Select one:

Question 7
I can write an assignment based solely on direct and indirect quotations.
Select one:

Question 8
When I paraphrase a text I only have to change a few words and provide a citation for it.
Select one:

Question 9
If I use too many direct quotations (unchanged text) I will receive a failed mark even if I correctly provide the citations and references for the sources I used.
Select one:

Question 10
I do not need to provide a citation or reference if a source does not have the author's name listed.
Select one:

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