Unethical actions of a fellow officer/investigator

Assignment task:

You are in court testifying on a case in which a 7-year-old child is beaten, sexually assaulted, and then killed. As you are on the stand and the defense attorney is in the process of asking you questions, you realize by the line of questioning that someone that was involved in the case with you did something that was wrong. The action that was taken by your peer is bad enough for the entire case to be thrown out of court and the suspect to go free. The questioning is such that the defense attorney is trying to get you to disclose what, if anything, that the other investigator did wrong.

This is not the first time that the suspect/defendant has been charged for crimes such as this one, and he was found not guilty each time. So far this case looks like a good conviction except for the unethical actions of a fellow officer/investigator. What do you do?

Support your position with course readings, video, and lecture where appropriate.

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Other Subject: Unethical actions of a fellow officer/investigator
Reference No:- TGS03420487

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