
Understanding the various criminological theories and their

Assignment: LASA 2: Criminology Matrix: Timeline and What Makes a Good Theory

Here's What Happened . . .

Understanding the various criminological theories and their interrelated concepts is a daunting task. From classicism to the Chicago school, key terms, theorists, and other important information can get lost in the shuffle.

Here's What You Need To Do . . .

Create a Power Point presentation. Organize the information you have learned in this course and complete the following points:

Demographic Information: Select 12 (APA 6 only requires numbers to be spelled out to nine, 10 and above are ok numerically) theories and arrange them in chronological order in a column. Be sure to select at least two to three theories from each criminological category (biological and psychological).

- Identify the year and period of time in which each theory originated.

- Identify the theorist or theorists associated with each theory.

- Examine the history and origination location of each theory.

Empirical Foundation: Examine the foundational research that grounded each theory and any current research that supports the theory today.

Theoretical Components:

- Identify each theory's school of thought and the type of theory it is (biological and psychological).

- Examine the major premises of each theory.

- Examine the minor premises of each theory.

- Application: Examine where the theory has been used in practice or how it is being used in the criminal justice system today.

- Explain what makes a good theory. Address the following questions for each theory:

- How does the theory address the problem of crime?

- How are cultural influences on crime integrated into the theory?

- What solutions for the individual, family, community, and society does the theory suggest?

Optional: Create any additional column headings with information you believe is important to understand each theory, its explanation of criminal behavior, and its application to the criminal justice system.

Note: Be sure to cite the sources of your information by stating the URLs from the web pages or from other sources.

- Be sure to build in-text citations for the web pages and create references for the web pages that link back to your in-text citations.

Submission Details:

- Save the final presentation as M5_A1_Lastname_Firstname.ppt.

- By Monday, August 7, 2017, submit your final presentation to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

- LASA 2 Grading Criteria and Rubric

- All LASAs in this course will be graded using a rubric. This assignment is worth 300 points. Download the rubric and carefully read it to understand the expectations.

- Identified, examined, and included the demographic components for twelve criminological theories.

- Identified and examined the foundational research associated with each theory and any current research associated with each theory.

- Identified, examined, and included the theoretical components for twelve criminological theories.

- Examined the origination of each theory.

- Examined the application of the theory in the criminal justice system or explained where the theory has been used in practice.

- Identified, examined, and included components for twelve criminological theories that address their ability to explain criminal behavior, their integration of cultural influences on crime, and solutions for the reduction of criminal behavior.

- Presentation components.

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Business Law and Ethics: Understanding the various criminological theories and their
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