
Understanding strategic management module

This is a Understanding Strategic Management Module:

In order to complete this assessment you must answer the case study questions which can be found on (p,237)

I need a minimum of 20 slides:

This requires a group oral presentation (with supporting written material/report) of 2,500 words or equivalent that provides 30% of your final grade. The main purpose of this assignment is to develop (and assess) your oral presentation skills.

Each group will select a case study from the list shown on the Seminar Programme of Assessed Case Studies.

Each group is required to work as a team to prepare a 12 minute oral presentation (plus or minus 2 minutes).  The presentation should normally cover the following issues:

• A very brief introduction to the case study covering the background to the company/industry

• The application of appropriate strategic management tools, frameworks and theories (using the suggested tools set out above).

Groups should be prepared to answer questions from the lecturer and other students. Groups are also required to prepare suitable visual aids (e.g. in the form of a PowerPoint presentation). These should be supplied to the lecturer one week in advance of the assessed seminar.

Assessment for the group oral presentation will done using the following criteria:

• Does the content of the presentation relate to the title and or purpose of the presentation?
• Is the breadth and depth of the content sufficient?
• Is the message of the presentation clearly put and well argued?
• Is the argument consistent?
• Is sufficient evidence given to support arguments?
• Is there evidence of appropriate critical thinking?
• Are conclusions drawn appropriately?
• Is the focus sharp and to the point?
• Do the presenters put their own point of view in an appropriate manner?
• Is the audience engaged?  Is their attention maintained by the presenters?
• Is the response to questions and comment competent/accurate/adequate (etc)?
• Is the personal organisation of the presenters adequate (e.g. managing questions, notes, and props)?
• Is time keeping managed well (enough)?
• Is the presentation audible and clear (articulation)?
• Do the speakers have ‘presence’ and adequate confidence?
• Is their posture appropriate?
• Do the presenters make appropriate eye contact?
• Is the pacing appropriate?
• Is the use of resources effective in quality and fit for purpose?

o E.g. PowerPoint, overhead transparencies, handouts, etc.

• Is the presentation well-structured? Is there a coherent approach? Is there a clear beginning (summary), middle, and end (conclusion)? Is the presentation well ‘signposted’?

• Is there use of creativity?  Is the content or presentation original or creative in some way?

• Are there unexpected features in the content/presentation beyond the expected?

The following grid will be used to assess the presentation.

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Strategic Management: Understanding strategic management module
Reference No:- TGS01436827

Expected delivery within 24 Hours