
Understanding of the interpretive journey

Interpretive Journey Paper:


On Monday of Module/Week, you will submit a paper that will demonstrate an understanding of the interpretive journey through detailed work in each of the 5 major sections of this method of Bible study. This paper will reflect a personal and independent study of a selected passage of Scripture. As such, bibliographic resources are limited to course tools (Strong?s Exhaustive Concordance and The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary) and similar resources.

In order to complete this assignment you will first select 1 of these 3 passages:

A. Deuteronomy 22:8

B. Acts 6:1?7

C. 1 Peter 5:6?7

Once you have selected a passage, you will then take the verse through the interpretive journey process. Your answer must engage each of the following steps.

Step 1: Grasp the text in their town. Summarize the original situation and the meaning of the text for the biblical audience.

Step 2: Measure the width of the river to cross. What are the differences between the biblical situation and our situation?

Step 3: Cross the Principlizing Bridge. List the theological principle(s) communicated by the passage.

Step 4: Consult the biblical map. How does the theological principle fit with the rest of the Bible?

Step 5: Grasp the text in our town. How should individual Christians today live out the theological principle?

This assignment must be 2?3 pages in length and use current Turabian format. While the amount of material will vary based on the passage you select, it is likely that 1your answer to each step in the interpretive journey will be at least 1 paragraph.

Your paper must be completed using the provided template that contains both a cover page and a bibliography that will recognize any sources you may have used in your paper. The cover page and bibliography do not count towards the 2-3 pages.

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Reference No:- TGS01437934

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