Understanding of the impact of global media in your life

Assignment task:

For this activity, you will demonstrate your understanding of the impact of global media in your life.


The impact of global media culture on society is significant and far-reaching. With the increasing globalization of media, people worldwide have access (to varying degrees) to the same sources of information, entertainment, and communication. 

A positive impact of the globalization of media is that it can help to promote understanding and awareness of other cultures, as well as promote various social and political issues. On the flip side, this globalization could contribute to the homogenization of culture by standardizing values and beliefs.


Before you tackle this exercise, please make sure you have read the Week 7 course materials, specifically sections 13.3, 13.5, and 13.6 of Saylor's Understanding Media and Culture .

Then, think of a U.S. product that is available throughout the world, such as an athletic brand like Nike or a food product like Pepsi. Go online to the different country-specific branches of the company's website. Take a look at their global ads on YouTube, then tell us what you learned by answering the following questions. Include URLs for some samples of the ads in your response.

What differences are there?

How might the company attempt to tailor its globalized product to a specific culture? 

What advances into the foreign market does this internet use allow the company to make? 

What advantages does this globalization of its products give the company?

In what other ways has technology helped speed this globalization?

What is the impact of the digital divide?

Complete your response by connecting your ideas to the course content that you were asked to read and use American Psychological Association-style in-text citations and end-of-text references. If you are unfamiliar with that reference style, you can find examples in our library as APA 7th Edition Citation

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