
Understanding of the development and theory of language

English in the primary classroom:

Assessment overview:

This assessment task requires you to draw upon the learning materials (podcasts, readings, and activities) from the first module of this unit, in order to articulate your understanding of language and literacy development as applied to the primary school context. This understanding is foundational for your success in planning, teaching, and evaluating learning in English.

Related learning objective:

1. Demonstrate and communicate an understanding of the development and theory of language, literature and literacy throughout the primary years of schooling.

Assessment details:

You are to write a 2,000 word expository essay*, in which you describe the process of language development, and explain in your own words contemporary theories/models of literacy development as they apply to the primary school context.

You will need to draw on resources from the weekly materials (podcasts, readings, and activities), and appropriate scholarly literature that you have sourced independently to inform your description and explanation.

An expository essay describes and explains; it does not require you to persuade your reader to a particular point of view or to argue a particular stance.

Your essay will need:

A clear introduction, in which you present a clear statement of intent and clarify exactly which theories/models you are explaining. The introduction must introduce both the topic (language and literacy development), and the structure of your essay.

A series of paragraphs making up the body of your essay, in which you describe language development and explain contemporary theories/models of literacy development.

A conclusion, in which you reiterate the key points made and sum up your essay.

Assessment criteria

1. Knowledge of language development and capacity to describe it

2. Understanding of theories/models of literacy development

3. Format and structure

4. Academic research

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Reference No:- TGS01428186

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