
Understanding of sociological theory

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply your understanding of sociological theory and concepts to the world around you. It asks you to use your Sociological Imagination to capture sociological insights regarding things that you may encounter every day and to illustrate the overall main focus of the semester which is to develop your sociological imagination and the sociological perspective.

The report will have the following components (spacing = 1.5):

Title Page: with course and student identification information, and a date;

Introduction:1 page introduction and rationale, with one paragraph describing your chosen topic(s) and approach - deductive or inductive - and the reasons for these choices;

Development: including five (5) photos

The text accompanying each photo(5 photos) will include a brief presentation of the photo followed by a written analysis of how the photograph reflects specific sociological concepts. The photo itself should not take up more than half a page. The text accompanying the photo should take up the equivalent of approximately 1 full page - that means approximately 1½ pages per photo;

Discussion: thediscussion(1½ to 2 pages) will contain a fuller, approximately two-page write up

In the text of the discussion you will address the following points:

- how the photographs link together with the theme of the semester which is developing the sociological perspective;
- how your understanding of your chosen themes, concepts or theories has changed over the course of the semester;
- whatyou would have «seen» before developing a sociological perspective and imagination;
- your reflections on how your chosen approach worked. In the introduction, you have to justify your choice of the deductive or inductive approach; in the discussion, you will evaluate the effectiveness of this approach: did it work the way you hoped or would you have been better off with the other approach;

Conclusion:a brief conclusion in which you will present a question or reflexion on what you would do if you wanted to extend the study. What questions come out of your analysis? If you were to continue this study, what question would you explore?

Bibliography: thebibliographyliststhe references for any books or articles that you may have used for identifying concepts and theories. All assignments will need a bibliography, as you are required to find a minimum of 3 references other than your textbook. This means that you will at least have 4 references in your bibliography. You may only include ONE online reference. You MUST use scientific references.

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Humanities: Understanding of sociological theory
Reference No:- TGS0678777

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