
Understanding of open innovation and co-innovation principle

Experiential Open Innovation and Co-creation:


The concept of open innovation (Chesbrough, 2003) has developed in concert with the advent of new online technologies that have facilitated this approach (Howe, 2008). There are three emerging models of crowd sourced innovation or co-creation:

1. Crowdsourced competition - involves soliciting ideas or solutions from a wide range of contributors (Afuah and Tucci, 2012; Jeppesen and Lakhani, 2010). For example, the Innocentive platform (https://www.innocentive.com/ )

2. Community-based competition - some firms have developed dedicated online communities as part of online competitions, where contributors may interact with each other. For example, Threadless (www.threadless.com), Local Motors (www.localmotors.com), OpenIDEO (www.openideo.com)

3. Open source co-innovation – is what some describe as the ‘ideal type’ of co-created value in use. Here the product or service is created by the users for the users. It is both open in the process of the creation of the service and open in the outcome. Examples of open source coinnovation, the most open of the open-innovation approaches, include the Linux operating system and also Wikipedia (Boudreau and Lakhani, 2009).


Your task is to participate in an online open innovation platform. You are to participate in the process over at least two months (from week 5 to week 10) and produce a report and analysis based on your experience and , the strengths and weaknesses of these platforms, and open and ‘co-innovation’ more broadly.

These are the four main online platform:


Main structure:

1. Demonstrate an Understanding of open innovation and co-innovation principles, debates in the relevant literature (see reference list, another upload file).

2. Based on your experience(participate in the platform,interaction with community

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Reference No:- TGS01428006

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