Understanding of impact of fairness on crm


Pazzanese, Christina. 2007. To get a train-delay refund, you must click the link. Christina Pazzanese. Boston Globe. Boston, Mass.: Oct 21, 2007

Birud Sindhav, Jonna Holland, Amy Risch Rodie, Phani Tej Adidam, Louis G Pol. 2006. The Impact of Perceived Fairness on Satisfaction: Are Airpor Security Measures Fair? Does it Matter? Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. Vol. 14, Iss. 4; pg. 323.

"Customers are angry because they feel they are not treated fairly." Discuss, using the background articles that address customer fairness. Your discussion should demonstrate an understanding of the 3 types of fairness discussed in the assigned articles. You may use additional sources (but not Wikipedia). Write an organized, logical paper, 700-1500 words.

Your discussion should:

- Demonstrate understanding of impact of FAIRNESS on CRM

- Include application of fairness concepts, as described in the readings

- Take a strong position (not wishy-washy)

- Avoid repeating definitions

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Marketing Management: Understanding of impact of fairness on crm
Reference No:- TGS02025377

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