
Understanding of god and his grace

Assignment task:

There are two truths that we seem to miss that are foundational to our relationship with God.  If we miss these two truths or find it difficult to believe these two truths, then dysfunction occurs in our faith. They are:

Truth #1:  There is Nothing you can do to make God love you more:  There is no amount of service, no number of quiet times, no number of times you can go to church, no mission trip, no percentage of your income you can tithe that can make God love you more.

Truth #2:  There is nothing you can do to make God love you less:  There is no sin, no behavior, no act you can engage in that can make God love you less.

Which one of these two truths you find MOST difficult to believe. Why? How does that manifest itself in your life?  How has that affected your understanding of God and His grace?

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Reference No:- TGS03372298

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