
Understanding of communications in organizations

Question 1: Describe the extent to which communication omission, distortion, and overload take place in your organization. Why does this happen?

Question 2: "It is said that the conceptual process of communication becomes a key element in our understanding of communications in organizations," from Ropes.

"Here are four conclusions from research regarding the perceiver":

1. Knowing oneself makes it easier to see others accurately.

2. One's own characteristics affect the characteristics that one is like to see in others.

3. The person who is self-accepting is more likely to be able to see favorable aspects of other people.

4. Accuracy in perceiving others is not a single skill.

What does each one of these statements mean to you as it relates to your ability to communicate effectively?

Exercise - Communication

Write a report on:

"Horizontal or Vertical Communication"
Use at least two resources to do research on the subject of horizontal or vertical communication. Pick the subject that interests you most. Determine a single application of the subject. Write a thesis statement (an argument) that you will research.

For example, your thesis statement might be, "Managers communicate downward to subordinates more frequently than they communicate upward to superiors." The results of your research will either support or reject your thesis. Produce a title based on your research results. If you found two reliable Internet articles that stated that managers tend to communicate upward more often than they communicate downward in a particular organization, your thesis would be rejected and your title could read, "Managers at XYZ Company communicate upward with greater frequency than downward."

Be sure to cite all references in APA style. If you need help with APA style please check the link in GLIFE on APA style or go to the Online Writing Lab at Perdue https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/ for examples.

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Other Subject: Understanding of communications in organizations
Reference No:- TGS01449173

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