Bachelor of Nursing UMH207: Understanding Mental Health T2'2023 ASSESSMENT 3 Name: Jasmine Cooper MRN: 210735 Gender: Female D.O.B: 02 November 1990 Allergies: NKA Marital Status: Married Admitting Doctor: Amelia Ong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: No SITUATION: Jasmine (Jas), 32 years old, was brought into Emergency Department (ED) by ambulance. She called the ambulance after an intentional overdose of her prescribed medications and cutting her left wrist. She smelt heavily of alcohol when she arrived in ED. Jas was drowsy with an unsteady gait but was hemodynamically stable. The ED Psychiatrist reviewed Jas and admitted her involuntarily under the Mental Health Act. She is awaiting medical clearance before transfer to the acute mental health unit. ADMISSION ASSESSMENT On assessment, Jas was initially guarded and did not want to engage. She said she was tired but cooperated and responded to the clinician's questions. She appears dishevelled, with a strong smell of alcohol and multiple superficial wounds and scars on both lower arms. She reported feeling "hopeless" and "helpless", labile during the conversation, and slurred and pressured speech. She denied any intentions to kill herself but reported taking the tablets to help her sleep. She said she had been stressed lately due