Understanding media industries


In Chapter 1 of Understanding Media Industries, Timothy Havens and Amanda Lotz introduce us to two important words/concepts: agency and ideology. Therefore, the question for this discussion forum is: According to Havens and Lotz, do the words "agency" and "ideology" carry mostly positive or mostly negative connotations when used as concepts to analyze the media industries? Please devote the first half of your essay to answering this question. In the second half of your essay, react to the other assigned readings and viewings on either the topic of "John Dillermand," the Danish television kids' show about a man with an exceptionally long penis, or "When Harry Met Santa," the Norwegian Christmas commercial from Norway's postal service. Using the terms "agency" and "ideology," give your opinion of how and why the show made it onto Danish television or the commercial made it to Norwegian television. You must also use two of the following terms introduced in the readings: commercial media text public sphere dominant ideology niche audience industry lore uncertainty

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