
understanding human intelligence in socialai


Understanding human intelligence in social

AI can be taken as just the current tool in the philosopher's toolbox for answering of questions for the behaviour of human intelligence, following  in the footsteps of  logic, mathematics, psychology,   biology,  cognitive  science  and  others things.  Some obvious questions that philosophy has wrangled with are: "Each one knows that we are more 'intelligent' than the other animals, but what does this really mean?" and "How many of the activities what we call intelligent can be replicated by computation (e.g., algorithmically)?"

Let see an example, the ELIZA program given below is a classic example from the sixties where a very easy program generate some difficult questions about the behavior  of human intelligence. Amongst other things, ELIZA assisted  philosophers and psychologists to question the notion of what it is meaning to 'understand' in natural language (e.g., English) conversations By stating that AI assists us understand the behaviour of human intelligence in society, we should see that AI researchers are developingly learning multi-agent systems, which are, roughly speaking, group of AI programs able to communicate and cooperate/compete on small operation towards the completion of big  operation.  This means that the social, rather than personal, behaviour of intelligence is now days a subject within limit of computational studies in Artificial Intelligence.Indeed, humans beings are not the only life-forms, and the questions related life (including intelligent life) poses even larger questions. Indeed, some Artificial Life (ALife) researchers have grand ideas for own application. They want to utilize this to:




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