
Understanding gods natural design

Explain why your beliefs impact the way in which you will live out your commitments

Paper instructions:

May choose one topic from following:

- What does it mean to be a fellow citizen with the saints and of God’s household (Ephesians 2:19-22) and how does this relate to the educational enterprise?

- Why is literacy (reading, writing, speaking) considered central to the educational enterprise? Do you agree? is this a biblical perspective?


Answer the essential question and explain why your beliefs impact the way in which you will live out your commitments.

Focus on understanding God’s natural design and refrain from considering the difference between a public and private school setting.

Define your terms, such as “what does it actually mean to be an image bearer?” Resist the temptation to use vague and irrelevant “Christianese.”

Writing Quality:

Use academic vocabulary, and refrain from using casual language such as “can’t, etc., ok, and super.”

Clarify pronouns.

Remain consistent with verb tenses.

Read your paper out loud to ensure that it is coherent and concise.

Directions: Directly answer the entire question posed. Support all of your statements with fully explained rationale.

Essential questions are framed at the beginning and end of every class. These questions give you an opportunity to continue the logical progression of readings and class discussions; provide you an opportunity to synthesize a topic with a practical issue in teaching; and/or integrate your epistemic, theological, and anthropological commitments within your philosophy of education. Weekly essays are your written interaction with the questions posted on the board each week. You are to choose one of the posted weekly questions and write your thoughtful response.

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Other Subject: Understanding gods natural design
Reference No:- TGS01613530

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