
Understanding contemporary consumer behaviour

How relevant is concept of social class when understanding contemporary consumer behaviour? Consider the work of Veblen and Bourdieu in your answer.

You should answer making reference to the theoretical literature and to specific examples of consumption!

TO ACHIEVE A GOOD GRADE:::::::::::::::::

- Your work shows a thorough grasp of the skills and knowledge required for this module. It is clear from your work that you have engaged in wide reading and study that goes well beyond the core areas needed to complete the assessment.

- Your work shows a good ability to analyse key concepts using the models and theories that we covered in the course of the module. You have shown that you are able to define problems and/or practical issues clearly and to apply appropriate methods and tools covered in the module to tackle them.

- Your practical work shows very good technical skills for this level. It is clear that you have taken a professional approach to your work.

- Your creative work shows that you have been willing to innovate and/or to experiment with some new concepts and to take some well-judged risks.

- Your work shows that you have followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing, presentation format and clear, accurate English.

Clarke, D.B., Doel, M.A. and Housiaux, K.M.L. (eds.) (2003) The Consumption Reader Routledge: London ISBN: 0415213770 Bourdieu, P. (1979) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste Routledge: London

Campbell, C. (1987) The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism Oxford: Blackwell

Casey, E. and Martens, L. (2007) Gender and Consumption: Domestic Cultures and the Commercialisation of Everyday Life Hampshire: Ashgate

Falk, P. and Campbell, C. (1997) The Shopping Experience London: Sage

Featherstone, M. (1991) Consumer Culture and Postmodernism. London: Sage

Lury, C. (1996) Consuming Cultures, Polity Press, Cambridge

Miller, D. (1998) A Theory of Shopping. Cambridge: Polity Press

Ritzer,G. (2005) Enchanting a Disenchanted World Pine Forge Press: London

Slater, D. (1997) Consumer Culture and Modernity Cambridge: Polity Press

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