Understanding and supporting learning disabilities

Assignment task:

Presentation: Understanding and Supporting Learning Disabilities

Follow The Steps Below To Complete The Assignment:

Step 1: Select a Learning Disability

Choose ONE specific learning disability to focus on (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, auditory processing disorder, nonverbal learning disability).

Step 2: Research

Conduct thorough research on the chosen learning disability. Include the following information:

  • Definition and characteristics.
  • Prevalence and demographics.
  • Causes and contributing factors.
  • Diagnosis and assessment methods.
  • Common challenges faced by individuals with this disability.

Step 3: Impact Analysis

Analyze the impact of the learning disability on various aspects of an individual's life, including:

  • Academic performance.
  • Social interactions and relationships.
  • Emotional and psychological well-being.
  • Daily functioning and independence.

Step 4: Interventions and Strategies:

Identify effective interventions, accommodations, and support strategies for individuals with the chosen learning disability. Consider:

  • Educational interventions (e.g., specialized instruction, assistive technology).
  • Behavioral strategies.
  • Family and peer support.
  • Community resources and programs.

Presentation Requirements. Include a title slide, reference slide, and illustrations as pictures, graphs, and/or videos.

Note: References and citations (in-text) are required to be in American Psychological Association (APA) format.

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Other Subject: Understanding and supporting learning disabilities
Reference No:- TGS03440195

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