
Understanding agreeableness and its impact on your behavior

Assignment task:

My results from the personality test are that I am very open-minded, extraverted, calm, critical, and not very conscientious. For the most part, I agree with the results of the test. I am always open to new ideas and willing to talk with others. I willing to try new things with very little direction or guidance. This aligns with my low conscientiousness score. I will do things haphazardly just to see if I can accomplish it. I do not feel like I always need all of the details to complete a task. Occasionally this has landed me in trouble but it has also saved my neck just as much. It either works really well or not at all. The more I learn and complete a task the less haphazard I tend to become. That being said, I will still try new things to see if they work or if they do not. I am willing to see a task through to the end and have no issue with the consequences as long as I did what I thought I needed to do. As far as being critical goes, I would agree that I am critical. I am very critical of others, myself, and everything around me. I have little filter on calling others out or having a discussion about what I have done wrong. I tend to see faults in things before I see positives. I have no problem asserting when those faults or causing problems whether it be people or systems.

My personality manifest itself in a more relaxed way of leadership. When I have led, I encourage those around me to try new things and figure out what works for them. As long as no one will get hurt, I encourage creativity and individuality in work. Whether it be in sports or the workplace, I am all for people figuring out new ways or more efficient ways for them to complete their task. I prefer to take a hands off approach and let my team do their task rather than hovering over them. The hands off approach is balanced out by my criticalness. If I see something that is not working I do not hesitate to call it out and provide alternatives. I am all for creative solutions until those creative solutions cause problems. The criticality allows the creativity to be balanced with reality and efficiency. For me, being critical is not personal. When people are critical of my work, I do not take it personally. When I am critical of others, I have nothing against that person. While sharing feedback in this way can be hurtful I find it to be the most effective way for me.

I would like to improve how critical I am. Not only with others, I would like to improve how critical I am with myself. I often make decisions irreverent of my own emotions or feelings. I tend to do things based on practical results rather than how it will make me feel. I would like to consider the emotions of others and myself more when I am making decisions. Running any organization is difficult when the people you work with do not like you or think you are rude.  Because of this, I would like to learn how to temper my criticality with empathy to creative emotionally and practically effective decisions. I would also like to give the people I work with a chance to share their feedback about me as well. I do not want the criticality to be one-sided. Nei and Nei emphasize that it is important for leaders to not be self-absorbed (2018) I definitely have self-confidence. The self-confidence can manifest itself into arrogance. I never want my team to feel like that their feedback or that my decisions are the best. I need feedback from those around me to help keep me in check. In turn, I can help keep them in check as well


John, O. P., & Soto, C. (2016). The big five project personality test

Part 1 - Respond to above passage by Suggest an alternate approach your colleague could take to become a more effective leader and follower, basing your suggestion on the Big Five results or how they described their personality. (avoid ai tools)

Our scores were similar with conscientiousness and extraversion, but complete opposites with agreeableness and negative emotionality.  I follow the same work process (I have a daily calendar) that lists the items that have been completed and puts those items not completed for the next day, so I ensure all items are completed.

Do you think having a high negative emotionality and low agreeableness has caused difficulties in certain situations? For me, I believe trying to have a positive outcome in every situation has allowed me to work more fluidly with all different personality types.

The suggestion I would make is to try and improve either the negative emotionality or the agreeableness.  These two personalities work together (in my opinion) and if one improves the other will follow.  This will help with both the follower role and improve the leadership traits. "Finding positive role models with high agreeableness: Spending more time with people with this personality trait can help you develop more cooperative behaviors.  Collaborating with others: Working with others on projects requiring you to maintain social harmony can help improve your agreeableness abilities.  Thinking of others: Make an effort to put yourself in other people's shoes. Imagining how others are feeling can help you behave in more empathetic, kind, and helpful ways." (Gordon, 2023)


"Understanding Agreeableness and Its Impact on Your Behavior." Verywell Mind

Part 2 - respond to above passage in an easy and nice way.

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