Rate the degree of your agreement with the following assertions, on a scale of 1-5, with 1 representing complete disagreement and 5 representing complete agreement. There is no wrong answer here. The purpose of this set of questions is to serve as a self-assessment as to the degree to which you think systemically.
1-When faced with a complex problem, I have a general idea of how to approach it. ____
2-Understanding a complex problem is more important than solving it. ____
3-Complex problems cannot be optimized. ____
4-Consideration of multiple perspectives adds to, rather than detracts from, a problem analysis effort. ____
5-An appropriate theoretical foundation is essential to any approach to understanding a complex problem. ____
6-Problem stakeholders merit careful consideration and analysis. ____
7-It is necessary to limit the number of measures I consider for a given problem. ____
8-Feedback is essential to maintain stakeholder motivation within a problem. ____
9-It is important to establish a boundary between a system and it senvironment.____
10-The underlying complexity of a problem is important in determining how to deal with it.____
11-There is a wrong time to intervene in a problem. ____
12-Transitioning from a system’s current state to a desired state is neither a trivial nor straightforward endeavor. ____