
Understand what is needed by the e-government users


The choice article for quantitative study design consideration is the "E-Government Evaluation: The use of design science approach to build and evaluate customer satisfaction theoretical framework" for Malaysia by Seng in the year 2012. The article applied a qualitative design approach against the conventional quantitative in governance evaluation for building customer satisfaction theory (Seng, 2012).
The primary purpose of the study was to describe existing benchmarking and evaluation tools available for e-government and look for the gap to be filled (Seng, 2012). The research question was "to understand what is needed by the E-Government users and how to better satisfy them in the future".

The study based on a scientific approach design that was adequately laid out in building a new theoretical framework for e-governance customer satisfaction. The author did a thorough review of the literature to describe customer satisfaction and customer relationship management and then identified concepts to be the building blocks for the new theoretical framework. ). The author approaches the study from a qualitative approach lens by laying an excellent conceptual framework to build the new theoretical framework for customer satisfaction. However, Seng (2012) did not state the appropriate setting and sample for the research, but the work was very detailed. The new theoretical framework built was the return on investment (ROI) versus return on relationship (ROR) following the identified gaps of the existing SERVQUAL, SERVPERF and IPA evaluation and benchmarking tools.

The positionality which is the role or social identity of the researcher about the context and setting of the study not stated but only describe the collection of the qualitative data. Also, the researcher's reflexivity and bias were not stated but managed the problems in customers' experiences for transforming them into desired and undesired states. Lastly, the new framework is envisaged to complement existing tools in identifying strategic focus areas for improvement.


Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2016). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

Seng, W. M. (2012). E-government evaluation: The use of design science approach to build and evaluate customer satisfaction theoretical framework. Seventh International Conference on Digital Information Management. doi:10.1109/ICDIM.2012.6360155. Retrieved from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=6360155

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