
Understand the interrelationships behaviour and function of

The assignment is on the topic "Plastics".

Kindly be very careful about plagiarism and referencing as it should be from BCA Vol2 and associated standards.


A residential building is constructed from a multitude of different materials and building components. It is imperative that a designer / builder / manager has a solid knowledge base regarding ‘all of the bits and pieces' that form a building in order to not only understand it's overall construction methods, but also the construction sequence and planning.

As the subject is so vast, the task of completing Assignment 1 will be shared amongst your classmates. Students will be divided into 4 Teams.

Each student will be assigned a topic (as shown below), and must complete it as an individual submission. Once each topic has been submitted from each student, it will be combined as a CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE BOOK for your Team to share. Furthermore, books from each team will be available through Moodle as a
.pdf document for downloading.

Learning Outcomes:

- Understand the interrelationships, behaviour and function of building components in residential buildings
- Describe different residential construction systems.
- Sketch typical construction details free hand or preferably via an elementary CAD package.
- Identify and locate appropriate building services


Choose one Topic from the list below and provide a:

1 WRITTEN REPORT: Research the following aspects of the material/product that you have selected. Specifically, you are to research:
• The material's raw materials, characteristics and properties.
• What the material/product is used for within the building.
• How is the material / product sold (ie: roll, sheet, sizes etc).
• How is the material / product stored and handled during delivery and the building construction process.
• Discover new and inspiring materials / products within the building industry.
• Reference the BCA Vol 2, and associated Standards where applicable.

2 DETAILED DRAWING: Draw and notate a ‘Construction Detail' though part of a building that relates to your topic. Include any necessary building tolerances and include references to the BCA Vol 2, and applicable Australian Standards.

3 MSDS / SDS (Material Safety Data Sheets). Provide copies of the MSD/SD Sheets for materials / products within your topic. Identify any Hazardous and Dangerous materials, including first-aid measures, fire-fighting measures, accidental release measures, handling and storage, exposure controls/personal protection and any special transport information where applicable.

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Dissertation: Understand the interrelationships behaviour and function of
Reference No:- TGS01355783

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