Understand the impact of the family of origin

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Discuss how this information helped you understand the impact of the family of origin on the family life cycle and how this information provides an alternate perspective from the one you have been using to think about families. Discuss how this information provided you with an "AH HA" moment, or "I never thought of it that way" understanding.

Discuss how learning this material and using it to understand yourself, your family, and families at large will assist you in being a more effective Human Services professional.

Understanding the family of origin is important to better comprehend a strong sense of who a person is. A concept I learned that provided me with a stronger understanding of the impact the family of origin has is "if parenting was a problem in the family of origin of one or both spouses, and has not been dealt with, the transition to parenthood may produce heightened anxiety for the couple" (McGoldrick, Carter, & Garcia-Preto, 2016). This concept additionally plays into the family life cycle which entails the different emotional and conceptual phases a person transitions through from being a child to growing old. If an individual in a couple grew up in a family of origin where parenting skills lacked, this individual may likely pass this characteristic on to the next generation. This may put a strain on the family life cycle and on the lives of other family members. BLANK explains children living in a home with divorced parents have a harder time with adequate adjustment in comparison to children who did not experience living in a home with divorced parents (Philpot, 1990).

This information helped me understand the impact of the family of origin on the family life cycle because it describes a scenario I did not previously think of being present in family dynamics. I now understand this stress could affect "family relationships and family patterns throughout the life cycle for generations" until it has been broken (McGoldrick, Carter, & Garcia-Preto, 2016). This concept provided me with an "AH HA" moment because it caused me to think of my own family of origin and the parenting style I was raised with and how there are aspects I do not wish to apply to my own way of parenting. Learning this material helps me better understand myself and my family because I can now make the conscious decision to be mindful of my parenting style and learn to grow from my family of origin's ways. This will also assist me in being a more effective Human Services professional because it has helped me better understand families at large often repeat the same or similar styles of parenting throughout generations.

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