
Understand the expansion of the hypothesis testing


The below posts requires a response to it with at least 80 plus words and an example, with reference if used.

Think about this scenario... If I give a math test to boys and girls who are 10, 11 and 12 years of age. I now have a list of test scores. Now I need to determine what impacts the difference or the variation. Is it the gender of the math student? Is it the age group? Or, is it both the gender and the age group? In this two-way ANOVA, I have two factors to consider which are gender and age. Through the calculations of a two-way ANOVA, I'm able to determine the average score for each age group and gender as well as the average score for the entire group of math students. This gives me a total of 12 different averages. The two-way ANOVA allows me to use the addition factor of gender which gives me the ability to reorganize it and analyze it in several different ways.

Conversely, if I took the same example and only considered the age of the math students, I could use the math students who are 10, 11 and 12 years of age, but I would exclude the gender of the math student in this example. As such, this would be a one-way ANOVA, and in the end, I'd be limited by only being able to calculate the average test scores for each age group as well as the average test score for the entire group of math students. Not having the added factor of gender to leverage in the one-way ANOVA scenario limits what I am able to analyze and learn from.Need a response to this post. (Margaret)

ANOVAs can have more than one independent variable. A two-way ANOVA has two independent variables for instance a person's gender or a religious denomination. A three-way ANOVA has three independent variables which may be gender, religious denomination or marital status. These ANOVA still only have one dependent variable. A two-way ANOVA has three research questions, one for each of the two independent variables and one for the interaction of the two independent variables. A two-way ANOVA has three null hypotheses, three alternative hypotheses and three answers to the research question. When there is one or More Independent Variables one with two or more levels each and More Than One Dependent Variable. Sometimes we have several independent variables and several dependent variables. In this case we do a MANOVA and it can be said that multivariate statistics of which MANOVA is a member can be complicated. The examples provided such as the gender, religious denominations and the marital status all helped with the visualization of the variables taken. Need a response to this post. (Tee)

A two-way ANOVA refers to an ANOVA using two independent variables. When expanding the example, a 2-way ANOVA can examine differences in IQ scores, the dependent variable by country, independent variable and Gender the 2nd independent variable. Two-way ANOVA can be used to examine the interaction between the two independent variables. Interactions indicate that differences are not uniform across all categories of the independent variables. It is shown that females may have higher IQ scores overall compared to males, but this difference could be greater or even less in some cases in European countries as compared to North American countries.

Two-way ANOVAs are also called factorial ANOVAs. Need a response to this post. (Tee)

When it comes to multiple linear regression, we want to analyze each of the independent variables to determine which one has the greatest impact on the variance of the dependent variable. From here, we can rank the outcomes based on how much each independent variable explains the variance. Independent variable 1 may represent 45% of the variance, independent variable 2 may represent 20% of the variance, and independent variable 3 may represent 15% of the variance. Between these 3 independent variables, we can explain 80% of the variance in the dependent variable. Our goal is to explain as much as we can of the variance via the independent variables which is meaningful. Need a response to this post. (Margaret)

The one that I see the most where I work is the flow chart. Most of the time these flow charts are associated with standard work. So you begin at the first bubble and then depending on what you are trying to accomplish it will lead you to the next one and so on down the path until the selected process is complete. I have also seen these types of charts used for equipment trouble shooting in the field. For example, if the piece of equipment is running too hot then you check the x component. If the x component is functioning properly then you move to the next step or if that component has failed then you replace that component and see if the problem still persists.
Need a response to this post. (Christopher)

Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Finally something in this class that I am familiar with and know!!! We utilize FMEAs, we call them PFMEAs at my company (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. We select a process, make a flow chart, which the book calls a block diagram, breaking down each step within the process, then each step is analyzed to identify types and severities of failures. Our quality group keeps a deviation log, which makes for look back and trending data super easy when we are figuring occurrence score and detection score. We utilize the scale of 1 to 10 just like the book describes and it really has allowed us to identify potential problems before they became an issue and implement process improvement changes! We are working our way through absolutely every process that we as part of the processes master validation plan.Need a response to this post. (Jaclynn)


Black, K. (2017). Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making, (9th Edition). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

The below questions requires a response to it with at least 120 plus words and an example, with reference if used.

Explain how ANOVA could help to explain the association between two variables. Give an example.

How ANOVA could help to understand the expansion of the hypothesis testing of two variables?

Select a TQM chart and explain how we use the chart selected.

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Basic Statistics: Understand the expansion of the hypothesis testing
Reference No:- TGS01955310

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