
Understand the disruptive sources of competitive advantage

Assignment Outcomes:

1) Understand the role of data, technology and innovation as new disruptive sources of competitive advantage.

2) Critically evaluate new marketing and strategic concepts such as platform companies, ecosystems and multi-sided markets.

3) Develop a critical appreciation of the role and need for business model innovation.

This assignment requires you to: Use appropriate research sources to identify an intrapreneurial organisation, assess its entrepreneurial orientation and critically evaluate how this organisation responds to or creates environmental change.

Your analysis must be supported with references to relevant course theories and frameworks incorporating the corporate entrepreneurship audit (CEA).

Selecting an Organisation & Research Sources:

When answering the assignment question, you can select either a commercial business or a social enterprise. The organisation can be from any country i.e. China, India or Africa. Moreover, if you have selected a large organisation you may want to focus on a specific division or strategic business unit (SBU) i.e. Samsung's consumer electronics division (tablets and smart phones) rather than the entire company which may be a huge conglomerate. There may be an opportunity to work with a local company. There are obvious advantages in selecting a famous or well-known company because there will be a lot of readily available information. However, you can select a smaller less well-known organisation if you wish.

You are free to use a broad range of research sources when gathering data and information on your chosen organisation including the Internet, newspaper and magazine articles from recognized business sources i.e. the Financial Times, Economist, Wall Street Journal and Business Week etc. All sources of information used in the report must also be referenced. Other sources of information might include the module textbook case studies we have discussed (Apple, Virgin, 3M and Google) and even some Mintel reports etc.

You can also decide to design your own if you want to and mix and match different questions and use different rankings and dimensions to tailor the audits to your chosen organisation.

You are advised to apply your audit to your chosen organisation and to use this as a basis for your analysis.

Once you have established a score for the organization's environment and its entrepreneurial architecture you should then analyze the four components of the entrepreneurial architecture in more depth using concepts from the relevant lecture slides and a few key chapters of Corporate Entrepreneurship (Burns, 2013) and Managing Innovation (Tidd and Bessant, 2018).

These might include the following:

Lecture: Becoming an Entrepreneurial Leader

Chapter: Burns (2013), Chapter 3 - Tidd and Bessant (2018)

It is important to analyze the extent to which the leadership of your chosen organisation is appropriate for the environment in which it is competing or operating. Does the leader or organizational leadership have a vision, does it build team working, is it transformational and/or transactional and are the leadership styles appropriate?

Lecture: Constructing the Entrepreneurial Culture

(Chapter - Burns (2013), Chapter 3 (Tidd & Bessant,2018)

Does the organisation have a healthy entrepreneurial culture that enables it to respond to - or create - environmental change? What type of culture exists, is it a task or a person culture (Handy: 1985), is it Theory Y or Theory Z (McGregor, 1960; Ouchi, 1981) and how does it rank in terms on Hofstede's (1990) four dimensions and does it enable the firm to become a learning organisation (Schein:1994)?

Lecture: Building the Organisation Structure

(Chapter - Burns (2013), Chapter 3 - Tidd & Bessant (2018)

Does the organizational structure provide a good fit with the environment? The most appropriate structure is contingent upon the organization's environment i.e. contingency theory (Burns and Stalker: 1966). What type of structure does the organisation have? Is it a spider's web, a matrix or a hierarchy? Is it organic and responsive or bureaucratic and rigid? What crisis might the organisation have reached in terms of Greiner's (1972) model? How important is deconstruction and does corporate venturing and external partnership play a role?

Developing Strategy:

Chapter (Burns, 2013), Chapter 4 - Tidd & Bessant (2018)

How is strategy made in the organisation? Is it deliberate or emergent (Mintzberg and Waters: 1985), is it entrepreneurial or process driven? What is the organisation's vision, mission and values and is it a good corporate citizen (CSR)? Is there any evidence of strategic intent, core competencies (Hamel and Prahalad: 1994), futures thinking or scenario planning?

Format: The assignment must be completed using a report format. This should be structured as follows:

1) 'Title' page

2) 'Contents' page

3) Introduction.

4) Main Report (Analysis) with sub-headings.

5) Conclusion.

6) Reference section (using the Harvard referencing system).

7) Appendix (for supporting information i.e. an entrepreneurial audit questionnaire).

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Tags: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Delivering Change Assignment Help, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Delivering Change Homework Help, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Delivering Change Coursework, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Delivering Change Solved Assignments, Entrepreneurial Culture Assignment Help, Entrepreneurial Culture Homework Help, Corporate Entrepreneurship Audit Assignment Help, Corporate Entrepreneurship Audit Homework Help

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Other Subject: Understand the disruptive sources of competitive advantage
Reference No:- TGS03027482

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