
Understand the computerized inventory system

Case Scenario:

Aaron, after a long and distinguished career at a nuclear weapons plant in the plutonium storage department, is hired by a local company to work in its warehouse. Aaron's skin has turned bright green from his years around the plutonium, but he is otherwise healthy and is not, himself, radioactive in any way. All scientific and health experts have determined that this condition is permanent, but harmless. After working in the warehouse, Aaron is not promoted, and Aaron believes it is because of his green skin. Which of the following, if it is true and is the reason that Aaron was not promoted, would give Aaron the best chance of prevailing if Aaron sues his employer because he was not promoted.

a. Supervisors need to understand the computerized inventory system and Aaron did not, despite his attempts to understand it.

b. A black worker was promoted because the black worker has worked longer for the employer, and promotions were made on the basis of seniority.

c. Aaron had told his boss that he was gay and this was the reason he was not promoted.

d. A white worked was promoted because the white worker was simply a better warehouseman.

e. Despite the opinion of experts, some of the people Aaron would be supervising thought he had some kind of disability and therefore did not want to work for him.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Management: Understand the computerized inventory system
Reference No:- TGS01618573

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