
Understand moral arguments regarding homosexuality

Problem: Natural Law Theory

Outcomes below. Each outcome is worth up to five points. Keep the same format as found below. Successfully executing the task as directed is worth another five points, making the assignment worth a total of thirty points. These verbal demonstrations of your knowledge should be just that; write out in complete sentences, an academic demonstration of your learning. The final outcome requires you to formulate a thesis (statement) regarding the subject matter of this current chapter; for example, "Jaywalking, as a form of civil disobedience is morally wrong." Then go on to support your thesis implementing one of the eight theories (frameworks) studied in the theory portion of this class.

A. Distinguish between conventional, liberal, and moderate views of sexual morality.

B. Understand moral arguments regarding homosexuality.

C. Explore implications for human behavior and social institutions that follow from arguments regarding sexual morality.

D. Evaluate the merits and shortcomings of moral arguments regarding sexual morality.

E. Apply ethical concepts and theories to contemporary cases and debates regarding sexual morality.

My theory is Natural Law Theory.

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Other Subject: Understand moral arguments regarding homosexuality
Reference No:- TGS03246581

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