
Understand and be able to critically analyse the strategic

The Assignment

Taking an international or domestic organisation that you believe has achieved superior performance in the past year, use relevant frameworks and models to appraise critically the strategy of this company. If you choose a very large organisation ,you should focus on a single international division .Cite evidence in support of your arguments.

In your answer ensure that you clearly identify what criteria you have used to conclude that it has 'achieved the superior performance', for example, through competitive positioning , financial performance, value creation and others. Also be aware that the structure of the organisation (consolidations , mergers , subsdiaries ) can sometimes make performance issues difficult to gauge and when this is evident you should draw reader's attention to it.

SECTION 3: Learning Outcomes

Task 1

-Demonstrate a critical awareness of research in the evolution of strategic management

-Critically analyse a case situation in terms of strategic issues and make justified recommendations

Task 2

-Identify and explain the importance of how the synthesise of knowledge gained from other business modules may be brought together into a comprehensive understanding of the concepts underpinning competitive advantage.

-Understand and be able to critically analyse the strategic position and the interrelated functions of Production and Operations Management (POM) in organisations

-Demonstrate, understand and critically explain the importance of integrational thinking in their understanding of strategy and its formation and development in complex organisations

Task 3

-Evaluate and develop the ability to identify strategic issues and design appropriate courses of action.

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Marketing Management: Understand and be able to critically analyse the strategic
Reference No:- TGS01130846

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