1. Under what circumstances might it be wise for a company to do little or no test marketing?
a. when a new product requires a major investment
b. when management is unsure of the projected demand for the product
c. when management is implementing a mass marketing program
d. when the product has no substitutes and is new in its category
e. when the costs of developing and introducing the product are low
2. New product development starts with ________.
a. idea screening
b. test marketing
c. concept testing
d. idea generation
e. concept development
3. In the concept testing stage of new-product development, a product concept in ________ form is presented to groups of target consumers.
a. market-tested
b. commercial
c. physical or symbolic
d. prototype
e. final
4. Product improvements, product modifications, and original products can all be classified as ________.
a. test products
b. pioneer products
c. product concepts
d. new products
e. product ideas