Distinguish between a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) andHazard Analysis (HAZAN).(b) Explain briefly the quantities shown in the equations used for hazardanalysis H = D . fdt = D ×1/2F . T (if F . T << 1).(c) State the units of H and D and hence determine the units of fdt if any.(d) FIGURE 1 shows an external intermediate vessel which receives acontinuous mixture of hydrocarbon liquid and small variableamounts of water. The water must be separated by settlement intothe sump to prevent contamination of a later hydrocarbon processingstage. The sump should be drained every 4 hours by an operator.The operation is facilitated by a sight glass and high level alarm.Under normal conditions the sump would fill in approximately10 hours.Carry out a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) on the sump anddrain line for deviation of 'No Flow' and 'More Flow' of water, listingpossible causes, consequences and recommendations to avoid futuredeviations.