
Ultrasound examination of the deep venous system of both

CLINICAL SYMPTOMS: Lower extremity swelling, difficulty breathing.

FINDINGS: Ultrasound examination of the deep venous system of both lower extremities is negative. No evidence of deep venous thrombosis in either lower extremity. The posterior tibial, greater saphenous, and popliteal through femoral veins are patent and negative for thrombus bilaterally. Normal phasicity.

Abdomen Ultrasound: Diffusely coarsened echotexture of the liver with some nodularity consistent with fatty infiltration. Cirrhotic configuration of the liver. Small calcified granuloma in the spleen. The spleen is otherwise negative. There is ascites in all four quadrants. No bile duct dilatation. No gallbladder wall thickening or cholelithiasis. Small amount of fluid adjacent to the gallbladder is likely related to the ascites. The pancreas is obscured by bowel gas. The abdominal aorta is of normal caliber. The right kidney measures approximately 9 cm in length and shows no evidence of hydronephrosis, calculi, or mass. The left kidney measures approximately 9.9 cm in length and shows no evidence of hydronephrosis, calculi, or mass.

Weegy notes: This is a bad case of fatty liver with cirrhosis. There is loss of protein so you need to supplement this patient with protein.admission is a must. Medicare Part B requires one single line of bilateral procedure code with Modifier 50. They normally process the claim with 150% reimbursement. [ But again, you have to check on this in your state and in your region. Some commercial insurance would prefer Two Lines of the same code, once with 50, second without 50. Then second modifier on the 1st line is RT or LT, modifier RT or LT on second line, with 1 unit of service each code. Must be reimbursed at 150% Some commercial insurance would prefer two lines of the same code with modifier LT or RT on each line with 1 unit of service each code. Must be reimbursed at 150% ]

In this scenario, which physician are you coding for? liver specialist

What claim form will be submitted for the radiologist's services? ______________

What modifier should be added to the CPT-4 code in order to submit the insurance claim? __________

Identify the correct CPT-4 procedure code(s) for the above scenario:

Identify the correct ICD-9-CM diagnosis code(s) for the above scenario:

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Dissertation: Ultrasound examination of the deep venous system of both
Reference No:- TGS02488799

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