
Ultimate objective of community policing

What should the ultimate objective of community policing be: crime prevention or reduction of fear?

Discuss how community policing can play a pivotal role in crime prevention.

What are strategies to prevent juvenile crime through community policing?

What are strategies to prevent drug related crime through community policing?

What are strategies to prevent traffic and DUI (Driving under Influence) related problems through community policing?

Strategies to prevent burglary and robberies through community policing.

Strategies to prevent assaults through community policing.

Juveniles should be treated differently than adults because of their age and lack of experience with police. Being minors they are generally less mature, more submissive in the face of police authority, and lack critical knowledge and experience, as compared to adults.

Juveniles have a different view of the police than adults do. How can the police affect juvenile behavior and prevent juvenile crime? Analyse and provide a comparative study of the role and significance of police and school resource officers in the safety and security in schools. Answer using examples and reasoning.

What are the problems and limitations of community policing with the juvenile population?

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Reference No:- TGS035900

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