
Ugb 353 human resources dissertation assessment - research

Human Resources Dissertation Assessment - Research Techniques

Task -

1. You are to select an HR-related academic research journal article from the various journals electronically available in the University journals section (ie use DISCOVER - NOT Google), published between 2012 - 2017. (Books, newspapers, or magazine articles are not allowed). The following journals are fine to use - however, other journals which are from DISCOVER and of a good academic standard may be used.


Human Resource Management Journal: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

The International Journal of Human Resource Management: Routledge.

Work, employment and society: Sage.

Gender, work and organization: Blackwell.

Employee Relations. Emerald

Human resource Development Quarterly: John Wiley

Research and Practice in Human Resource Management: Singapore Human Resources Institute

2. Your are required to write a critical report of:- the research approach adopted and techniques selected in your chosen journal article providimg comments on and their *accuracy, **objectivity, and ***ethics to the research being carried out by the author.

It is expected that you will read further (books, journals, websites etc.) to formulate and support your arguments within the critique and include these references within your discussion and your final reference list. (Word limit 2000 words)

Your report structure should be as follows:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Critique of research approach and techniques (Use paragraphs and numbering or sub-headers to make your structure well-signposted)
  • Conclusions
  • References (this should include your journal article, clearly identified so that your tutors can access it in DISCOVER)
  • Appendices (as appropriate)

Reference - Denscombe, M. (2002) Ground rules for good research: a 10 point guide for social researchers. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

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