
Typically there is some randomness in the real decision

Question 1

Which of the following classify data into a finite number of classes, based on the values of the input variables?

Choose one answer.
A. Finite theory
B. Class classification
C. Decision trees
D. Neural networks
Question 2

Which of the following is not a specialty coming out from text mining?
Choose one answer.
A. Mining specialist
B. Information retrieval
C. Natural language processing
D. Computational linguistics
Question 3

Most implementations of the learning process in neural network include a counterbalancing parameter called __________ to provide a balance to the learning rate.
Choose one answer.
A. momentum
B. power
C. energy
D. force
Question 4

Which of the following is not a consideration in selecting a neural network structure?
Choose one answer.
A. Determination of input nodes
B. Selection of a topology
C. Determination of weighting functions
D. Determination of output nodes
Question 5

All phases of the decision making process can be supported by improved communication by __________ through group support systems and knowledge management systems.

Choose one answer.
A. group computing
B. shared computing
C. collective computing
D. collaborative computing
Question 6

Most data mining applications include intelligent systems, such as artificial neural networks (ANN) and rule induction methods for expert systems (ES), to search for potentially profitable __________ in data.
Choose one answer.
A. patterns
B. trends
C. sections
D. samples
Question 7

A DSS is an approach for supporting decision making. It uses an interactive, flexible, adaptable computer-based information system (CBIS) especially developed for supporting the solution to a specific, __________ management problem.

Choose one answer.
A. hard
B. problematic
C. easy
D. nonstructured
Question 8

Which of the following is a benefit of a data warehouse?
Choose one answer.
A. All of the above
B. Simplification of data access
C. Better and more timely information
D. Consolidated view of corporate data
Question 9

Which of the following type of meta data describes the meaning of the data in a specific domain?

Choose one answer.
A. Semantic
B. Structural
C. Business
D. Technical
Question 10

Which of the following are tools that help determine the probable future outcome for an event or the likelihood of a situation occurring?
Choose one answer.
A. Extrapolative analytics
B. Prognostic analytics
C. Projecting analytics
D. Predictive analytics
Question 11

__________ is a critical aspect of data warehousing that includes reconciling conflicting data definitions and formats organization-wide.
Choose one answer.
A. Data cleansing
B. Data modification
C. Fact refinement
D. Data purification
Question 12

Which of the following, by definition, requires a decision maker to consider the impact of each alternative course of action on the entire organization because a decision made in one area may have significant effects in other areas?
Choose one answer.
A. Feasibility
B. Worst-case
C. Satisfaction
D. Optimization
Question 13

A __________ is a central repository of historical data, organized in such a way that access is easy (using Web browser) and manipulation for decision support is convenient.

Choose one answer.
A. data bank
B. data repository
C. data warehouse
D. data disk
Question 14

Which of the following is a study of the effect of a change in one or more input variables on a proposed solution?

Choose one answer.
A. Fish bone analysis
B. Boundary analysis
C. Sensitivity analysis
D. Input-output analysis
Question 15

Which of the following is a capability provided by OLAP to large set of data?
Choose one answer.
A. Analysis
B. Modeling
C. Visualization
D. All of the above
Question 16

A model builder makes predictions and assumptions regarding the input data, many of which deal with the assessment of uncertain futures. Which of the following attempts to assess the impact of a change in the input data or parameters on the proposed solution?

Choose one answer.
A. Mathematical relationships
B. Goal programming
C. Decision analysis
D. Sensitivity analysis
Question 17

Which of the following subsystem can support any of the other subsystems or act as an independent component? It also provides intelligence to augment the decision maker's own?
Choose one answer.
A. Expertise-base subsystem
B. User interface subsystem
C. Intelligence-base subsystem
D. Knowledge-base management subsystem
Question 18

The major benefit of __________ to the company is the ability to provide accurate information when needed.

Choose one answer.
A. data warehouse
B. management information systems
C. business intelligence
D. analytical models
Question 19

Decisions Support Systems models can be classified as __________.
Choose one answer.
A. static and dynamic
B. deterministic and stochastic
C. static and stochastic
D. deterministic and dynamic
Question 20

Typically there is some randomness in the real decision-making situation. Because DSS deals with semistructured or unstructured situations, reality is complex, which may not be easily represented by optimization or other models but can often be handled by __________.
Choose one answer.
A. simulation
B. statistical analysis
C. linear programming
D. forecasting

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Basic Computer Science: Typically there is some randomness in the real decision
Reference No:- TGS0107537

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