
Typical risks in supply chain versus sustainability-related

I have attached the article on which we have to make the assignment, moreover i just need the introduction part and fifth key point done as mentioned in group division file, word limit is 200 words each part

I) Introduction

Explain the purpose of the report and flow of the report.

Focus on what sustainable aspect your paper is based on. Introduction about the role of sustainability in Marketing and Management (relate it to the journal article to explain the aim of the essay and use a few references)

II) Five key points

Identify 5 key points and discuss each point in order by using good sources of reference (journal, books, other articles..,etc.)

1) Typical risks in supply chain versus sustainability-related supply chain risks(Thu?y)

a) Typical risks in supply chains: supply risks, procurement related risks, logistic and transportation risks, relational risks, demand risks, infrastructure and system risks.

- Endogenous risks and exogenous risks
- Find more articles about categories of typical risks

b) Sustainability- related risksin supply chains: based on the triple bottom line view of sustainability combining three main aspects, environment, society, and economics (Table 1).

- Explain more by using the final paragraphin the article page 456 + other articles

c) Differentiation of typical supply chain risks:

"These sustainability-related risks are differentiated in many aspects from typical supply chain risks....and endeavor for sustained economic growth" (page 456)

Sustainability-related supply chain risks are "important and post a threat for many companies because they have a major impact on organizations' reputation and can cause revenue loss"

"A distinctive characteristic of these types of risks is that they may have damaging effects to organizations, without causing (or being the cause of) any disruption in its operation"

- Find more articles to prove these.

2) Sustainability- related supply chain risks assessment

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) technique with a calculation of risk index score is employed to find out the effect of each risk factors on the business.

RPNi = Si* Pi* Di
In which:
Si: Severity of risk
Pi: Probability of risk occurrence
Di: Detectability of risk

The higher the RPN, the higher the risk of event

Major findings (should be paraphrased):

- Sustainability-related risks have substantial effects on organizations (mean= 4.71) which occur occasionally (mean= 3.65) and moderately difficult to detect (mean= 3.98)

- Social-related risks are perceived as "slightly lesser risks" compared to economic, or environmental.

- Although environmental (exogenous) and social related issues have higher media exposure, the survey results show that the perceived priority numbers of economic and environmental (endogenous) risks are higher. (I don't understand this point)

- Endogenous risks are perceived as being more important than exogenous. (explain why)

- Top 8 sustainability-related risk factors: greenhouse gas emissions, natural disasters, Child/ forced labor, financial crisis, bribery allegation, pollution,non-compliance with sustainability laws and energy consumption. (explain each, page 460)

3) Causes and effects of sustainability related-risks(Sangat)
- Analyze appendix B
- Other articles

4) Mutual relationship between sustainability related risks (table 6)

"If there is a positive correlation between two risks, treatment of both risks can be achieved at the same time, whereas if there is a negative correlation, treatment of one risk may have the opposite effects on the other risks".

- Strong correlation between factors belonging to the same category

- Non-compliance with sustainability laws reveals statistically strong correlation with the majority of the selected risk factors.

- Statistically strong correlations between environmental economic-related factors, and social and economic-related factors

- No significant correlation between social and environmental related factors

- Negative correlation between financial crisis(economic downturn) and energy consumption and pollution.

- No impact on carbon emissions despite the reduction in economic activity.

5) Sustainability risk management(Shitiz+Varun)

a) Review of previous supply chain risk management frameworks: consist of five main stages: risk identification, risk assessment, risk analysis, risk treatment (avoid, control, share, and retain), and risk monitoring.

b) Differences between typical and sustainability-related supply chain risk management: table 2
- Since sustainability-related supply chain risks may be "precursors to typical supply chain risks", the original risk management framework could be adopted for managing these risks.

c) Risk treatment for particular sustainability related risk in supply chains

Appendix A

III) Management and sustainability discussion(Sachin)
Use more support from other articles- Agreements or disagreements for the selected article
- What should we do in this section?

IV) Conclusion(Sachin)
Summarize the discussion and add your point of view at the end

V) References

Article - Supply chain sustainability: A risk management approach by Mihalis Giannakis, Thanos Papadopoulos

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Supply Chain Management: Typical risks in supply chain versus sustainability-related
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