
types of the decision process the decision making

Types of the decision process: the decision making process varies with the type of the product involved. There will be a lot of difference in the decision making process involved for purchasing a bathing soap, a sport kit, an expensive camera, a new television, a new family car, and a personal computer. This will depend on how complex the decision is likely to be and degree of involvement required from the participants. In other words more complex the decisions, more the involvement of buying participates and more the buyer deliberations.

Extensive problem solving: the decision making process varies with the type of product involved. There will be a lot of difference in the decision making process involved for the purchasing a bathing soap, this situation focuses on the purchase of on the purchase of unfamiliar products from the unfamiliar supplies and is often referred to as a new buy or new task situation. This process will require extensive information search, it will normally require a considerable amount of time and effort and may also require that the buyers develop new criteria with which to judge the purchase.

Limited problem solving: this category deals with the purchase of a relatively unfamiliar product or service but where the supplies are known and the buyer has some experience of the basic product type. This type of purchase is often described as the modify rebury. Since there is something new about the purchase, the business will typically not depend quite so heavily on existing supplies. Accordingly there is likely to be a reasonable degree of the information collection, probably in the form or quotes or trends from a variety of the possible supplies prior to the evaluation and purchase.

Reutilized buyer behaviour: this category deals with habitual buying where the buyer knows the product and the item is frequently purchased. This is often described as a straight rebuy since the business will simply continue to purchase the product without activity seeking new information or re evaluating existing information, indeed, it is likely that the buyer has well developed supplier preferences and any deviation from habitual behaviour likely to be influenced only by the price and availability considerations.


Degree of search

Level of the prior experience

Frequency of the purchase

Amount of the perceived risk

Time pressure

Extended consumer  decision making 

Very high

Very low

Very high

Very low

Very low

Limited consumer  decision making 






Routine consumer  decision making 

Very low

Very high

Very low

Very high

Very high

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Marketing Management: types of the decision process the decision making
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