
Types of services provided for children in public libraries

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Explain a public library. Explain the various factors which influence growth of public library as a social institution.


What are the two systems of public library financing in India? Discuss status of public library financing in India.


Explain the significant features of the guidelines prepared by RRRLF for public systems and services.


Discuss how you will plan for a library building.


Write the essay on collection development for a public library.


Discuss types of problems one might encounter in applying IT in a public library.


Describe the types of services provided for children in public libraries


Discuss role of ICT in improving services of public libraries.


Write short notes on the following:

a) Financial Planning of Public Libraries

b) Public Library and Society

c) Public Library and Digital Divide

d) Resource Sharing

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Other Subject: Types of services provided for children in public libraries
Reference No:- TGS02413

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