Types of Resource Maps:
Generally, several types of maps, based on the type of.resburces, are prepared. Some of these are: Soil Maps showing the types of soil, their composition and biological productivity. Mineral Maps showing locations of various kinds of mineral deposits in relation to settings of the earth's crust. Hydrological Maps show presence of underground water aquifers, i.e., rock formation containing water in recoverable quantity, in terms of the depth of water table. Snow Cover Maps demarcate the extent of snow packs on high mount+ns. Resource mapping Using various techniques, Resource Mapping is done to locate different resources like water, minerals, forests. vegetation as well as the types of land. Mapping of resources makes it possible to visualise how land use could be managed to best advantage. The rural land use map tells us about the health of forests and the state of deforestation, about pastures, and agricultural crops. It also tells us how much land and of what kind is unutilised. The urban land use maps shqw housing, commercial buildings, sports facilities, esseitial services such as roads, water supply and disposal of waste etc. Likewise, the preparation of regional land use maps will focus upon the broader aspects of development such as land used for agriculture, industrialisation and urbanisation, for obtaining natural resources (forestry, mining etc.), water resource development (dams, reservoirs and canals), transportati~n net work (rails, road etc.) and also the zones prone to natural hazards like floods, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides and avalanches etc.