
Types of outer joins with the help of illustrations

Q1. What do you mean by the term outer join? Describe the various types of outer joins with the help of illustrations.

Q2. Let consider the given relations for a database which keeps track of business trips of salespersons in a sales office:

SALESPERSON (SSN, Name, Start_Year, Dept_No)
TRIP (SSN, From_City, To_City, Departure_Date, Return_Date, Trip_ID)
EXPENSE (Trip_ID, Account#, Amount)

Specify the given queries in the relational algebra:

a) Find out the details (all attributes of TRIP relation) for trips whose expenses exceed $2000.

b) Find out the SSN of salesman who took trips to ‘Honolulu’.

c) Find out the total trip expenditures incurred by the salesman with SSN = ‘234-56-7890’.

Q3. Define the term view? How is it distinct from the table? Write down the SQL syntax for making a view.

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Database Management System: Types of outer joins with the help of illustrations
Reference No:- TGS011774

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