The design of nursing unit should maximize the function of the unit by following its task. The design of nursing unit has also under gone a radical change from single nightingale ward to planning T shaped Rigs wards concept. Many variations and modifications of the concept have been met such as socio economic requirement. The primary aim of the ward design is to facilitate the nurse to hear or see every thing that happens in the ward and to react accordingly with maximum efficiency and minimum physical efforts. The design, type and location, physical facilities, physical lay out and the amount of equipment and supplies markedly influences the quality patient care and smoothness of ward function.
The limiting factor in the size of the ward unit is the capacity of the head nurse to supervise and know intimately the nursing care of each patient. Florence Nightingale recommended a 30-bed-ward and until now the same limit is more or less being followed. However, extreme range of 20-85 beds wards is known to have been made. In an acute ward with rapid turnover, the upper limit is 30. Two or three such units are located on one floor with certain common essential service areas in the middle.