
Types of nucleotide substitutions


Submit your answers to the following questions:

1. What are the factors that influence the mutation rates of human genes"

2. Although it is well known that X-rays cause mutations, they are routinely used to diagnose medical problems, including potential tumors, broken bones, and dental cavities. Why is this done? What precautions need to be taken?

3. Define and compare the following types of nucleotide substitutions. Which is likely to cause the most dramatic mutant effect?

a) missense mutations

b) nonsense mutations

c) frameshift mutations

4. Two types of mutations discussed in this chapter are 1) nucleotide changes and 2) unstable genome regions that undergo dynamic changes. Describe each type of mutation.

5. Tay-Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive disease. Affected individuals do not often survive to reproductive age. Why has Tay-Sachs persisted in humans?

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History: Types of nucleotide substitutions
Reference No:- TGS02984475

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