
Types of networking or internetworking devices

Q1. Distinguish between the Message switching, Packet switching and the Circuit switching.

Q2. Illustrate the various types of networking or internetworking devices? Describe them.

Q3. An analog signal consists of a bit rate of 8000 bps and a baud rate of 1000 baud. Determine the number of data elements which are carried by each signal element? Determine the number of signal elements do we require?

Q4. Draw a fundamental block diagram of ARQ and describe the Selective Repeat ARQ method.

Q5. A pure ALOHA network transmits 200-bit frames on a shared channel of 200 kbps. Illustrate the throughput if the system (all stations altogether) produces:

a) 1000 frames per second
b) 500 frames per second
c) 250 frames per second

In which case percentagewise maximum throughput would be accomplished.

Q6. Differentiate between the given:

a) Static and dynamic routing.
b) Centralized and distributed routing.

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Computer Networking: Types of networking or internetworking devices
Reference No:- TGS010844

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