
types of mechanism - stress conditionplants have

Types of Mechanism - Stress Condition

Plants have evolved a variety of mechanisms to withstand stress conditions. In many cases we can precisely define the way plants enable themselves to survive and perform well under stress conditions. Based on such knowledge, it should be possible to construct and breed plants tolerant to many environmental extremes met in our country and elsewhere on earth while trying to cultivate plants. Such large area can be put to use if salt tolerant varieties can be planted. One of the ways to manipulate stress tolerant varieties is through genetic engineering technique. With this technique it is possible to isolate a gene and introduce it in a desired organism.

This results in the expression of transferred gene in the new organism which then starts behaving like the organism from which this gene was originally isolated. This suggests formation o ' the gene products related to a particular phenomenon. If this phenomenon consists of one or two proteins it is easy to achieve this objective through genetic engineering technique. Thus, for instance, if genes for betaine synthesis can be transferred to a plant sensitive to osmotic stress, it might confer tolerance against such stress or an elicitor like phytoalexin can be produced by plants by artificial gene transfer it would be possible to have disease  resistant plant.

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Biology: types of mechanism - stress conditionplants have
Reference No:- TGS0180785

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