
Types of frequency distribution-characteristics of good hr

Question1. Make a distinction Primary data and Secondary data?

Question2. What do you understand by the term Regression? How to fit straight line?

Question3. Describe any one technique of calculating cor-relation.

Question4. Describe the types of frequency distribution with valid examples.

Question5. Find maximum and minimum values of function Y = x4+2x3–3x2–4x–2

Question6. Write down organizational barriers in the organizational communication.

Question7. Describe the contents of the Enquiry letter.

Question8. Write a letter placing the order for stationery products.

Question9. Describe the reasons and purposes of the good letter of complaint with relevant example.


(a) Write letter regarding opening the Savings Account in Bank.

(b) Write letter from bank regarding dishonored cheque.

Question11. Describe any two role of marketing in new economy?

Question12. What is the need for studying the buyer behavior?

Question13. Describe the significance of “Branding”.

Question14. Marketers are in a better position to situate and compare marketing opportunities. When they apply the segmentation concept – Explain?

Question15. Briefly explain the different components of “Promotional Mix”.

Question16. Explain the objectives of the human resource management.

Question17. Explain the silent characteristics of good HR policy.

Question18. What is the significance of the job analysis?

Question19. Explain the sources of the recruitment.

Question20. Explain the different methods of the training.

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Other Management: Types of frequency distribution-characteristics of good hr
Reference No:- TGS05173

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