
types of fertilization -on the basis of site of


On the basis of site of fertilization, it is of two types - 1. External fertilization        2. Internal fertilization


When fertilization take place outside the body, mainly it occurs in water.

Both the sperm & ova are released simultaneously in the water.

External fertilization is two types -

(i) External fertilization in fresh water - Eg. fishes, amphibians & aquatic invertebrate animal.

(ii) External fertilization in sea water - This types of fertilization take place in lower animals.


It take place generally oviduct of female. In urodela the internal fertilization take place in the lower part of the oviduct.

In Salamendra, reptiles, birds & mammals the internal fertilization take place in upper part of the oviduct.

In Ovo-viviparus & viviparus animals always internal fertilization take place.

In oviparous animals fertilization may be external or internal.

On the basis of sperm penetration, fertilization is of 2 types -

1.      MONOSPERMY -

When one sperm enter into an ovum is called as monospermy. It is most common type of fertilization.

2.      POLYSPERMY -

When two or more sperms enter into an ovum. It is 2 type -

(i) Pathological polyspermy - In this more than one sperm enter into immature and highly mature ova and all sperm participate to amphimixis. The resulting embryo is dead.

(ii) Physiologicla polyspermy -

In this many sperm are enter into the ova but only one sperm participate to amphimixis.

Eg. Molluscs, Insect, Elasmobranchi, Urodela, Reptiles, Birds & Rabbit. Dead sperms are called merozoites.

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Biology: types of fertilization -on the basis of site of
Reference No:- TGS0172575

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